The Rowcroft Big Bake

Last week, our wonderful students held a bake sale to support our school charity of choice for this academic year, Rowcroft Hospice. This was led by Mrs Carpenter, Head of Preston House at Waterleat Road but involved both sites. We were all amazed at the incredible cakes that the students (and staff!) had baked with many that could easily be of a professional standard! We truly do have some incredibly talented students at the school. Thanks to all (together with those who bought cakes at break time and lunchtime) for all of their hard work and efforts in support of this charity. Paige of Goodrington House at Waterleat Road and Kelsey of Broadsands House at Borough Road claimed 1st place with their exceptional creations! We would like to extend our thanks to all the students who participated. The cakes, not only looked amazing but also tasted delicious!

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