
Attendance Contact Information

Please contact us if your child will be absent from school on the first day of their absence and ideally each day they will be away.

You can contact us in the following ways:


Waterleat Road Centre: 

Attendance Officer Mrs L. Sparks: 01803 403602

Borough Road Centre: 

Attendance Officer Mrs L. Thompson: 01803 403721

For any other issues please contact our Attendance and Welfare Officer:

Miss K Casey: 01803 500967

Encouraging Good Attendance at Paignton Academy

Frequently Asked Questions:

My child seems ill, but I don’t think he/she should have the day off.  What should I do?

At present the main reason for pupil absence from the Academy is illness. When deciding whether or not your child is too unwell to attend school ask yourself the following questions:

Is my child well enough to do the activities of the school day?

Does my child have a condition that could be passed on to other children or school staff?

Would I take a day off if I had this condition?

Think carefully before keeping your child away from school for medical reasons. If they wake up saying they are unwell, consider whether the symptoms mean they have to stay at home.

If students need to take medication during the Academy day, the Academy will be able to help your child take their medication and prevent unnecessary absence. If your child is taking prescribed medication during school time, as parent/guardian you must hand the medicine into Reception where you will be asked to complete a form giving authorisation for a member of Academy staff to administer the medication.

All medicine must be in the original packaging, clearly labelled with the following information:

  • Child’s name
  • Name of medication
  • Dosage
  • Frequency of dosage
  • Date of dispensing
  • Storage requirements (if important)
  • Expiry date

Paracetamol may be issued to pupils by the Academy for short-term use without prescription. This must be in accordance with the Academy’s guidance. It must be labelled with your child’s name, class and date and handed to Reception where an authorisation form can be completed on the day required.

All medication, including painkillers available over the counter, must be handed in to a first aid officer for safe storage (kept in a locked cabinet in the medical room). A child who has an injury, such as a sprained ankle, can be allowed out of lessons five minutes early and can use the lift.

My child claims to be ill but I don’t think it’s genuine. What should I do?

Sometimes children want to avoid school and it may be that there are other issues that need addressing. Please send your child to school and contact their Head of House, Pastoral Support Manager or the Attendance and Welfare Officer about the situation so that they can investigate any possible issues your child may be having. You can contact them via the main reception number.

For further information regarding attendance procedures in the Academy please click on the link below:

Leaflet: Raise your Child’s Attendance, Raise their Chances

Torbay Council Website:

Government Website: